Beneath the Heart of the Sea

Beneath the Heart of the SeaThe whaler Essex was on a routine trip. That routine turned into the extraordinary test of endurance when a whale sunk the ship leaving survivors in the middle of nowhere in little boats. What followed next was a horrific tale of torture, murder and cannibalism at the hands of nature and man.

By now most people are familiar with the story of the whaleship Essex thanks to Nathaniel Philbrick’s gritty bestseller from many moons ago. It’s a sad, depressing and slightly depraved story. With the new movie coming out about the story interest has no doubt been reignited.  Beneath the Heart of the Sea acquaints newcomers with the story of the Essex via the words of First Mate Owen Chase one of the few survivors of the disaster. With its republication readers will get a firsthand account of a timeless story that still boggles the mind. Highly recommended.

DISCLAIMER: In accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising” we would like to note that we received an electronic copy of “Beneath the Heart of the Sea”  provided by the publishers, Hesperus Press, through in exchange for our honest review.

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